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Tips for Reducing the Risk of Pacifier Use

Posted on 11/1/2023 by Weo Admin
  <br title='b11'>child with pacifierPacifies are a good way to offer comfort and distraction to your baby. It also soothes the babies and helps them fall asleep quickly. Unfortunately, pacifiers can cause oral issues for your kid. It can contribute to open bite and tooth decay. Is your little one used to using a pacifier? If yes, here are 3 easy tips to reduce oral issues:

Clean the Pacifier Regularly

Pacifiers have a rubbery part that can attract dirt and debris. Besides, as the baby grows, they will discover that they can put anything into their mouth. With time, they may pick their pacifier from the floor and put it in their mouth. Sometimes, you may also pick up the pacifier and rinse it in your mouth. All these habits can introduce bacteria into the baby's mouth and cause decay and infection.

For this reason, cleaning the pacifier regularly is a good idea. Boiling the pacifier is a good way to clean and sanitize it. You may also need to clean it with soap and water before use or when the baby drops it.

Avoid Coating the Pacifier with Sugar

Sometimes, you may be tempted to dip the pacifier in honey or a sugar substance to allow the baby to accept it. While this can help to soothe the baby, it offers food for bacteria that cause decay. To avoid this, you should not put sweet substances in the pacifier. Instead, clean it with running water to prevent contaminations.

Wean Off the Pacifier

Prolonged use of a pacifier can cause teeth misalignment and crookedness. Many dentists recommend weaning off the pacifier between two to four years old. At this stage, it is possible to implement other ways of distraction. For instance, you can take a vacation or sing for the baby until they fall asleep. You can also praise the child for not using the pacifier frequently. Are you still struggling to wean your child off the pacifier? Contact us, and our pediatric dentists will provide some advice.

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